Portable Tilt & Swing Pedestal Co-Extruders

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  • Regular price $65,304.00

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AMS Pedestal Extruders are built with convenience and reliability in mind. A solid billet machined assembly houses an oversized thrust bearing for long life, and raise lower is adjusted at the push of a button. 

Electrical controls can be outfitted like any other extruder from AMS; at your discretion with any option needed for your setup! From additional power recepticles for downstream machinery to pressure controllers, AMS Co-Extruders are a proven option for cost savings and reliability for hard to reach setups. The push button raise lower is, well, as easy as the push of a button! Tilt & swing via manual adjusted screws and hard stops. 

Call today for a quote! We outfit any extruder for high temp capability as well!